Written by Chloe Champo

Every day, countless stray cats and dogs roam our streets, all with the same struggles of finding food, water, shelter, and general safety. Some are abandoned, while most are born into a cycle of homelessness. Here at CARA, we believe that an effective way to prevent this is through spaying and neutering our friendly strays.
What is Spaying and Neutering?
Spaying and neutering are safe surgical procedures that prevent animals from reproducing, not only do they help overall population control, but these procedures are also scientifically proven to improve our furry friends’ health and behavior.
🐾 Why is it important?
An unspayed cat can produce up to 100 kittens in her lifetime, and an unneutered dog can father dozens of puppies in just one year. This results in owners being overwhelmed, pets not getting the care and attention they need, shelters being overcrowded, among others. Spaying and neutering is a solution to stop this cycle before it even starts.
Pets are also known to have improved health after spaying and neutering, which can add years to their precious lives and save them from different painful reproductive diseases like uterine cancer and infections, testicular cancer, and prostate problems. Additionally, neutered males are less likely to fight with other cats/dogs and mark their territory with urine. A fixed pet is often calmer and easier to train as well.
🐶 Start the Cycle!
Spaying and neutering in the Philippines is usually relatively low cost with minimal aftercare required, it is genuinely a simple act with an incredibly big impact. Here in CARA, we are committed to ensuring that every pet has a chance at a safe and happy life. By supporting our programs, you are directly helping our furry friends!
How you can help:
Spay and/or neuter your pets and encourage other fur parents to do the same!
Support CNVR programs to help strays humanely.
Volunteer and/or donate to organizations like CARA to help them provide these services
With this, we can create a world that is a safe haven for all animals.