What’s it like adopting a senior cat? Here’s a testimonial from Hanna and Yna who adopted TWO senior cats from CARA:
Asian and Kelly are senior rescue cats from CARA. Being older, they’re both mellow and a big contrast to Socks, the kitten we fostered early this year. Socks has A LOT of energy and his default setting is all day zoomies. When he was diagnosed with having majority of the feline viruses we had him tested on, he still behaved like a normal, healthy, extra kulit kitten. After he was cleared by the vet, he would chase after Asian and Kelly, sometimes tackling them from behind! Sometimes Asian would play with Socks but Kelly always came running to us as if to say, “Save me, mama!”. Even though the senior cats still have their fair share of zoomies, they just couldn’t keep up with the all-day play. 🥲

Asian and Kelly would rather curl up in a ball or tuck into a loaf beside us, demanding pets and rubs (Kelly is all loafed up beside me as I write this out). As titas who have limited energies and day jobs, Asian and Kelly are the perfect companions for us. They welcome us home after work and after running errands, they hang out on the couch with us (or rather we hang out on their couch with them) while watching movies or just browsing social media, and when it’s bedtime, they follow us to the bedroom to sleep on a bigger and softer mattress. 😁

What we appreciate the most about them is how they regularly interrupt us during a busy workday for some pets and rubs, which serves as our reminder to take screen breaks. It’s as if they just know how and what we’re feeling and adjust accordingly. They’re old enough to understand that saying “No” and waving a finger mean they’re not supposed to climb onto our dining and work tables, then they jump back down and behave.

When we were fostering Socks, the house was always a mess with shredded cardboard from the scratchpad. We were sweeping the area 2-3x a day. Now with just Asian and Kelly we can get away with sweeping the area only once a day or every other day, very low maintenance senior babies. 💛
Got your own adoption story to share? Email us at secretary@caraphil.org with subject line: Adoption Stories. We are looking forward to reading and sharing your story!