The Best Tips for Training Your Dog

The Best Tips for Training Your Dog


In order to get the very best out of the relationship with your dog, it is often necessary to train them in the ways of proper obedience. This can stop the dog from doing annoying and potentially harmful things to the family, and make having your pet a real joy. Obedience training might be needed for things like jumping, chewing, digging, biting, and barking. When you are training your dog, be sure that you never hit or place your hands on your dog with aggression. All dogs need to behave, is the right commands and positive reinforcement.


It is best to start training your dog when they are still puppies. At three to six months old, dogs are very receptive to training, and this will make them very friendly, well behaved, and sociable as they grow into adults. Training a puppy usually involves everyday commands like sit, stay, heel, and off. These are necessary to teach the puppy what is expected of them, and the right way to act when inside and outside. Puppies will have to also be taught how to use the bathroom outside of the house, and how not to chew up everything when they are teething. When you train your puppy the right way, and use effective chew toys, they will be less likely to chew up all of your shoes and furniture.


If your dog has shown aggression, they will need more specialized training, and if you take your dog for lessons, make sure that you are there with them. This will enable you to learn what to do to train your dog while at home for the best results. This is accomplished through simple commands, positive rewards, and always staying consistent when your dog misbehaves. Some tips to make the most out of adult dog training:


1. Always use positive reinforcement. When your dog does something good, give them lots of love, and when your dog follows a command, give them a treat to show that they are doing the right thing.


2. Always be consistent- Find one method and stick with it. Use it every day until your dog has it down pat. When you give a command and your dog doesn’t respond, don’t repeat it then. Wait until later, and when they do what you want, be sure to praise them.


3. Walking- To keep your dog from growing bored, which can lead to behavior problems, be sure to walk them whenever possible, and show them lots of love and attention.


4. Involve everyone- Be sure that the whole family is also consistent with training, so your dog doesn’t get confused. If jumping up is ok sometimes, but not others, this will confuse your dog, and this will make both of you frustrated.


5. Always remain calm- To have a dog that wants to learn, you have to stay calm and firm, so they know you mean what you say. Getting overly excited will just make your dog the same way, and very difficult to train.


When you can teach your dog the right obedience commands, it will make it easier for both of you to enjoy each other’s company.

Information provided by Meghan Reese of Oh My Dog Supplies, where you can find a incredible selection of dog seat covers online.