How Cats See Colors
Contrary to popular belief, cats can see colors other than black and white. However, they may perceive colors differently than humans due to the structure of their eyes.
Cats can see muted hues like blues, greens/yellows, and grays. However, they may have difficulty distinguishing between red, green, and yellow. This is because they have fewer cone cells in their retinas than humans do. Cone cells are responsible for color vision.
Why Cats Flinch at Cucumbers
Some people may find it puzzling that cats flinch at the sight of a cucumber. While there is no definitive answer, some vets believe that it may remind cats of a snake. Snakes are a natural predator of cats, so it is possible that the cucumber triggers a fear response.
The Amazing Cat Eye
In addition to having fewer cone cells, cats also have a tapetum lucidum, which is a reflective layer at the back of their eyes. This layer helps cats see better in low light by reflecting light back through the retina. This is why cat eyes can appear to glow in the dark.
Cat Vision in Detail
- Field of vision: Cats have a wider field of vision than humans, about 200 degrees compared to 180 degrees. This means that they can see more of their surroundings at once.
- Rod cells: Cats have more rod cells in their retinas than humans do. Rod cells are responsible for night vision. This is why cats are able to see so well in the dark.
- Slit-shaped pupils: Cats have slit-shaped pupils that can adjust to different levels of light. This allows them to see well in both bright and dim light.
Debunking Myths About Cat’s Vision
Myth: Cats can see in complete darkness.
Fact: Cats cannot see in complete darkness. However, they can see much better in low light than humans can.
Myth: Cats are colorblind.
Fact: Cats are not colorblind. They can see muted hues like blues, greens/yellows, and grays. However, they may have difficulty distinguishing between red, green, and yellow.
Myth: Cats can see farther than humans.
Fact: Cats cannot see farther than humans. However, they are better at seeing moving objects in the distance.
So how does a cat see the world in summary…

Cats have amazing vision that is adapted to their crepuscular lifestyle. They have excellent night vision and can see more of their surroundings than humans can. While they may not see colors in the same way that humans do, they can still see a wide range of colors.
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Story by Mary Pearl Polias