Share Your Pet Stories on the CARA Blog

We want to spread the word about the joys of pet adoption and encourage more and more people to experience it first-hand. Each rescue or adoption story is unique, but all of them are sure to be heartwarming and inspiring.





Do tell us your stories about how your rescued/adopted pet came to your life and how they changed it – and get them featured on the CARA blog!

Please send your stories with photo(s) of your furry friend to (with subject heading “Pet Stories”).

(Photos of CARA rescues at the CARA clinic and at Cat Cafe Manila on their adoption day were taken by Petograpiya.)

Want to help? Adopt or foster a rescued pet? Wish to donate? Please click these links:




5 thoughts on “Share Your Pet Stories on the CARA Blog”

  1. I have a rescue cat with me at home. She is my baby and the love of my life. I picked he up one morning in a MOA open parking lot while walking as a weekend exercise. She was so small (days old only) and shivering. I nursed her and almost a year now, she lords it over the condo where we live and my life in fact. I love her.

    1. Glady V. Rosales

      Thank you for your comment, Lyn! Do send us your kitty’s full story with her photo to with subject heading “Pet Stories” so we can feature her on the blog! ^..^

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