September 16: Puppy Mill Awareness Day!

Think that dog on the store window is cute? Think again. Most of the time, those puppies came from puppy mills — unregistered commercial breeding places that are in no way conducive for rearing animals.

By buying from stores (online pages included) and puppy mills, you take the risk of bringing home a sick, uncared for puppy, and also condone this illegal backyard industry run by irresponsible breeders.


Because they’re doing it all just for money, puppy mill breeders would scrimp on providing ideal living conditions: clean and spacious environments, adequate food and water, socialization activities, as well as the necessary vaccines and vitamins.

Buying from irresponsible breeders seem “affordable” at the onset. But you’ll just end up paying more money once the vet bills come in.

And what happens to the momma dog after they’ve given birth? Breed them again and again until they can no longer. And when they can no longer give birth, they are disposed of.

Put an end to puppy mills NOW. Adopt don’t shop!

Reposted by Nori Onchengco

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