


Pusing was kindly sponsored by: Maria Villafranca

We like to say that Pusing adopted us… When we moved back to Manila 4 years ago, she just showed up one day in our back yard. She jumped through a hole from the compound next door and eagerly meowed at us. She must have been around 1 years old then, and smart enough to figure out we were good people. From then on, she just decided this was her home. We nicknamed her Singi and she was our first official stray rescue in Manila. We decided to have her spayed and looked into affordable options. A friend recommended the CARA Clinic, which at the time was in Guadalupe. I made an appointment, and brought her there for her surgery. That day, I was greeted by a CARA volunteer Barbara Greenwood, and she asked me if I wanted to become a CARA volunteer. I took the form, and later when I picked her up after her surgery, I decided why not? That day was life changing for me, and from then on, I have been dedicated to animal welfare. Almost exactly one year ago, Singi got very sick and we brought her to VIP. She was diagnosed with both kidney and liver problems. With a 10 day confinement, and medications, she pulled through and we brought her home. Luckily, she lived a whole year without any relapses… A few days ago, we noticed she was acting lethargic and had no appetite, so we brought her to the clinic again. They put her on IV fluids, antibiotics and asked to confine her. Yesterday, the vet called me with the sad news that Singi has passed away. She was too weak and she just collapsed. They tried to revive her, but nothing worked. We are extremely saddened by her passing, but we are also happy that she had a very good life with us. It was because of her that animal welfare became part of my life. So for that, I would like to thank you Singi for choosing to adopt us that day 4 years ago. We will miss you and your beautiful spirit. RIP Singi!

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