CARA Welfare Phils: Pre & Post op care


The drop off time at the clinic is 9.00am unless otherwise advised. Animals must be picked-up the same day before 5pm. Overnight stays are possible for cats by prior arrangement.

Each animal must have their own carrier. Please clearly label the carrier/cage with the animal's name.

All dogs must be on leashes.

Dogs and cats cannot have any food after 9.00pm the night before surgery. Water should be available.

Animals need to be in good health, if your pet is showing any signs of illness such as coughing, sneezing, runny eyes or diarrhoea they will be declined for surgery. Re-schedule surgery when your pet is well.

Payment must be made at drop-off.


Your pet has undergone a major surgical procedure, which included general anaesthesia. Expect him/her to be quieter than normal for the next 24 hours. Allow your pet time to recover from the surgery in a quiet room, with as little disturbance as possible for 7 days. Give the animal a small portion of food and water on return home. Pets must be kept indoors where they can stay clean, dry and comfortable. Avoid contact with other pets and children until the following morning.

If your cat was in heat when she was spayed, she will continue to attract males during this time. Keep her away from male cats during her recovery so that she isnt accidentally injured.

Their appetite should return gradually in the next 24 hours. Try to limit their activity.

Stitches are dissolvable; they do not need to be removed. Male cats do not have stitches. Check your pet's incision daily look for any bleeding, pus, severe swelling, or any kind of seepage from the incision.

The incision needs to be kept dry for a minimum of 14 days. Please do not bathe your pet during this time or apply any products to the incision.

All dogs should be walked only. Please prevent your dog from running, climbing, and playing with other dogs. The incision needs time to heal and heavy exercise could cause tearing or stretching, which could lead to infection. Any urine “marking” behaviour of male pets should subside after sterilization, but this can take a few weeks. The younger they are at the time of sterilization, the more successful this will be.


Once back home, males can be released in approximately 12 hours. Females however, should be allowed to rehab for at least 3 nights before releasing them. Keep cages covered at all times to keep them calm, avoid eye contact and any noise.

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