CARA Welfare Phils: May 2010 Activities

Forbes Family Furry Fiesta

On the 22nd of May, Forbes Park Association & Barangay Forbes Park hosted - with the cooperation of CARA - the Forbes Family Furry Fiesta, a community event focused on Forbes Park residents' love and compassion for their four-footed friends, and animals in general. Activities included a Pet judging contest - awarding pets and their owners with trophies and certificates in categories such as "Pet and Owner Look-alike" and "Most Heartwarming Rescue Story" - as well as a wildlife show allowing residents to get close to and interact with some of the more exotic animals such as snakes and tortoises. A photo booth offered to anyone who wished a free photo of them posing with the wildlife, or with their own furry companion. Booths were present to provide advice on pet care and grooming, as well as information on pet adoption, facilitated by CARA. There were other fun activities for kids too - such as face painting, an inflatable bouncy castle, and a coloring contest.
The fiesta lasted up until 6pm and was well-attended by kids and adults alike. Many who had never before seen or touched a real live boa constrictor snake mustered the courage not only to touch one but even pose with one for a photo. The wildlife and also the face painting booths were especially popular, and many kids' faces were decorated with colorful animal-inspired designs.


The success of the Forbes Family Fiesta not only celebrated pets and their owners but also helped instill in the even youngest visitors a sense of awareness and compassion for animals in general.

Spay and Neuter for May

Cats Female
Cats Male
Dogs Female
Dogs Male

Adoptions in May


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