Next CARA Adoption Event….25th February, 2012…

CARA will be holding its next adoption day at Greenbelt 5, Fashion Walk on 25th February 2012 Saturday, from 3pm to 8 pm.



This is a wonderful chance for you to come and meet our beautiful rescued animals. If you are thinking of adopting a pet here is your chance to meet our foster Mums, ask your questions and discuss the possibility of getting a furry member for your family!


CARA relies solely on donations to run its low cost spay and neuter clinic and other programs. If you would like to donate, come and find out how your donations will help our cause.

Join Us! Why?

  • Meet like minded people who share your enthusiasm for animal welfare
  • Support a cause you believe in
  • A rewarding and satisfying experience
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem
  • Learn new skills or develop existing ones
  • Use your mind, body and creativity in a worthwhile way
  • Spend time doing something you really care about
  • Feel like you’re part of a community

But most of all, the animals of the Philippines need you!


See you!

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