Let’s also take care of the Earth!

plant trees for climate action

CARA wants a healthier Earth for everyone: humans and fur babies. We know that we need to maintain a balance with nature if we wish to keep on breathing fresh air and not drown in trash and flood waters that will come with global warming caused by pollution and other human activities, notably emissions from the livestock industry.

Do you know that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050 if we keep on using plastic and throwing trash indiscriminately. That’s so very bad for for everyone!

So what can we do? According to the United Nations, acting on climate change (global warming) is everyone’s responsibility. Here’s how you can do your part.

At home, reduce, reuse, recycle!

plant trees for climate action

  • Buy minimally packaged goods
  • Recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Reuse, mend, and repurpose things to save money and divert waste from your local landfill
  • Plug air leaks in windows and doors to increase energy efficiency
  • Adjust your thermostat, lower in winter, higher in summer
  • Replace old appliances with energy efficient models and light bulbs
  • Save electricity by plugging appliances into a power strip and turning them off completely when not in use
  • Wash clothes in cold or warm water
  • Run dishwashers only when full and don’t use heat to dry dishes
  • Eat less meat, poultry, and fish
  • Plant Trees – Enter tree planting pledges online, then plant indigenous or locally appropriate trees where you live.

Learn more.

walk or bike to work or school for climate action

We should also use cloth shopping bags instead of using plastic bags. Do not litter! Minimize the use of cars. Walk or bike to your destinations. Create your own mini-garden at home using potted plants if you do not have open space for planting trees. Encourage your communities to plant trees and vegetable gardens. Minimize meat consumption to at least twice a week. And, of course, let us adopt instead of shop for pets. Neuter or spay our pets. Launch TNR in our area. Let us not overburden the world with a ballooning stray animal population. Strive for compassion for all and we will help create a better Earth.

There are so many ways we can help the world. We just need to TAKE ACTION NOW.

Brownie kiss - animal welfare in the Philippines - how to adopt pets

Want to help? Adopt or foster a rescued pet? Wish to donate? Please click these links:




Want to share your own pet story? Email it to <secretary@caraphil.org>


Photo of girl on bike by sakhorn38

Photo of planting a seedling by khunaspix