In Memory of Oreo


Oreo’s story told by his grieving parent:

Late yesterday afternoon of the 24th, sometime half past five, my helper came to my room and was frantic, telling me the news that one of my poodles (Oreo) was viciously attacked and killed by our neighbor’s dog while he was being taken for a walk, which is done everyday at almost the same time.  My houseboy who walked him also had Alex, the dog, I rescued from the driving range at the Fort in October 2010.

They were passing in front of our neighbours house when someone opened the gate and out comes this huge american mastiff and started attacking Oreo.  (Writing this gives me so much pain as I can just imagine vividly what exactly happened).  Alex, who looks like a border collie, started fighting and biting the big dog in defense of Oreo but the attacker was so focused on killing my poor, little, helpless two-year old Oreo =((((((

The owner of the house rode in his car with the lifeless, blood-stricken body of my Oreo together with Alex and our houseboy.  I faced him with so much sorrow in my heart.  He was very remorseful himself and asked what he could offer or could he get me another dog.  I told him that I had so many dogs and most of them are rescued from the streets.  He gave me his calling card and said to just call him since I told him that I was in a state of shock and could not think at all.  I mentioned to him not to do any harm to the dog that caused my Oreo’s death as it was the responsibility of his helper to have kept their dog before opening the gate.  He said that their dog is so gentle to human beings but did not know that he could attack other dogs in sight.

I got back into my room and felt so numb. I could not comprehend what had just happened????   Finally, I called him up and mentioned that I would like to take him up on his offer to pay for the the damage that his dog caused and that I would donate the entire amount to my favorite charity.

I know that no matter what amount he donated, will not bring back my sweet Oreo’s life nor will it alleviate all the pain I am feeling now. I feel like I was one of those in Compostella Valley who had just lost  a loved one from the horrendous effects of Typhoon Pablo. This must be how horrible they feel especially with tragedy in their lives that happened right before the Christmas holidays.

Tonight, I was in a relative’s house for our annual Christmas reunion which I always look forward to but my heart was so heavy.  On my way home after passing in front of the house where my dog was attacked, I could not help but breakdown for hours from all the pain of knowing how a helpless little dog could not defend itself.

I do not want my Oreo’s death to be meaningless and in vain so at least, the compensation I was given will somehow help  with the needs of the laguna pit bulls and our cats in the clinic, or for whoever needs funds for treatment and rehab.

I pray that this tragic event will not happen to any of you or even to anyone I do not know.

I am attaching a photo of my beloved Oreo so he can at least be remembered in your minds after his untimely & tragic demise.-(((((  Truly one of the saddest days of my life…..

2 thoughts on “In Memory of Oreo”

  1. reading your article brought back memory of my Shitzu Sasha who also viciously attacked by a bull terrier. The attack happened in front of my children and we were all screaming and in state of shock. Days after everything sinked in, i just broke down and cried while driving on the way home and i was told they need to euthanize Sasha after she had lost her eyesight and broken jaw. I too, in memory of her will help other dogs through CARA.

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