FAQ: Can we invite CARA to talk at our school or event?

CARA ambassadogs interacting with students

Yes! Are you a school, business, or local government official and you would like to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare in your organization or area, maybe as part of your corporate social responsibility or advocacy programs?

Do invite CARA as we have volunteer speakers that you can tap for your activities!

Send us an invitation with event details through secretary@caraphil.org.

We will check the availability of the CARA speakers, ambassaDOGS, and diploCATS.

If they are available on the event dates, we shall immediately let you know.

CARA Education on Responsible Pet Ownership - Invite Speakers Poster


In the next weeks, expect a series of informational posts featuring questions that are frequently asked of CARA. We hope this will help clarify some issues and concerns about what CARA is and what we do.

See the rest of the FAQs here.