Do you have what it takes to win Rizza’s affection?

Rizza CARA Rescued Dog - animal welfare in the Philippines - how to adopt a dog

Rizza CARA Rescued Dog - animal welfare in the Philippines - how to adopt a dog



Thank you again to David Tejero for the Selecta Dog Food donation! Rizza can’t wait to dig her paws into the bags of dog food.

CARA cares for over 150 dogs, including the Laguna Pit bulls, as well as the rescued dogs at our clinic. Dog food donations are always much appreciated!

Oh, if you think Rizza is so cute, you’d be so right. She is very friendly and affectionate. She is ready for her forever home so you’d also be lucky to be chosen by wonderful Rizza as her new parents.

Call +632 532-3340 if you’re interested to vie for her affections.