CARA Dog Cherry is Up For Adoption!


Cherry is energetic and playful and sweet. She’s also an absolute cutie pie!


She was rescued in August with her five puppies. One of those puppies died, and another, Coco (short for Coconut) was adopted by a loving family early on.


She now resides at the CARA Clinic with her three remaining puppies: Kala(mansi), Panda(n), and Pipin(o). December-2016-CARA-Dog-Adoptable-of-the-day-Cherry-adopt-dont-shop

Visit Cherry and her puppies at the CARA Clinic along with all of her friends at 175 Lopez Rizal St. Mandaluyong City.


Reposted by Angelina Fajardo

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If you can’t foster, donate.
If you can’t donate, volunteer.
If you can’t volunteer, spread the word.

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