And Then There Were Eleven…

Yani writes:

“To rescue a cat or dog is no joke – it takes a lot of your time and money – so dedication is vital when doing this and most of all, support from your family is a must.

“One day, my husband decided to bring home a kitty from their house since this poor thing lost his momma cat, and no one was trying to feed him.  The kitty was always hiding at the back of the fridge. I was amazed at how having a kitty is much different from having a puppy at home, while they quiet, their antics will make you watch them for hours on end.

“At first I was contented with one kitty, but then (I was not sure where) I saw the sign that read something like this ‘Sure, your cat is safe and well-fed, but have you ever thought of other cats needing a home and someone to take care of them’ and something clicked inside my head.  My second rescue was from our office – it was raining due to an incoming typhoon when I heard a small voice meowing from a grassy lot.  When I looked, I saw this muddy scrawny kitty, I gave it some cat food (we always have cat food in the office in case we encounter hungry cats that need to be fed).  The kitty decided to follow me all the way back to our office building so I decided to look for a spot where he wont be soaked from the rain.

“I left him there thinking that his momma cat would find this fella and take care of him, but the following day when I saw this kitty at the same spot where I left him.  This time it was raining so hard that he was curled up feeling cold.  He meowed when he heard my voice. I guess momma cat was not coming back for him, so decided to bring him home. Took him to the vet and realized that the kitty was almost dehydrated, thank God that he fella made it in time.

“To date I now have 11 rescue cats, the latest of which is Benito, whom we found near a trash can.  I am now in the process of neutering and spaying each of the fellas.”


CARA Welfare Philippines – Animal Welfare – Pet stories – yani


Words and images by Yani Ulob.


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