Benny & Family, match made in heaven

CARA - Animal Welfare in the Philippines - Dog Adoption Story - Benny

CARA - Animal Welfare in the Philippines - Dog Adoption Story - Benny



We just love this story! Benny was reported to us in March by a group of expats living in Salcedo Village. Seems that he was abandoned in the park, as he had a red collar. Luckily for Benny, several expats stepped forward to pledge for his rescue and treatment, and this lovely family volunteered to adopt him! On Saturday, Benny was finally given a clean bill of health, and he went home with his new forever family. They tell us that not only is Benny a perfectly behaved condo dog, but that he is so gentle and sweet towards his little human sister. Seems like it was a match made in heaven! Congrats to Benny and his new family!



Looking for a lovable family dog like Benny? Adoption is a great option! Check out our Adoption Gallery for our adorable adoptables. For more information about our adoption process, please click here: Adopt A Pet.

#foreverhome #adoptarescue #TheBestBreedIsRescue


article by Tanya Guerrero | posted by Michelle Baena Ciriacruz