CARA at the Day of the Cat

November 11, 2012 was a hot afternoon at the Alabang Town Center – Activity Center, but cat lovers came to celebrate the Day of the Cats. Sponsored by Royal Canin, who had games, a raffle, and free RC cat food for the attendees. Pure-bred cats were also on display, which the cat fanciers and photographers of all stripes ogled at.


There was a talk on responsible pet ownership (RPO) with a demo assisted by three lovely cats.


Three rescued dogs were also in attendance, and they attracted attention to the CARA booth. A CARA shirt, two tote bags, 1 small pack of greeting cards and three ceramic cat figurines were all given out in exchange for cash donations. Lori soaps and a deodorizing spray were also donated. In addition, CARA was given two large bags of cat food, and a cat encyclopedia. Royal Canin also gave CARA the 6’x 6′ backdrop they had made for the event to keep.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible.