Socialization Is an Important Part of Training

Socialization is vital to your dog’s wellbeing. A socialized pooch is happy and accepting of others, is less likely to have behavioral problems, such as possession and aggression and is a well liked member of society. The more social your companion is the easier it will be to train him, care for him, take him for a walk and involve him in the many activities you enjoy outside of your home.


Socializing your pet needs to begin as soon as you bring him home. In fact, socialization is crucial to the first six months of his life. Below are the various ways you can ensure he receives the social interaction he needs to grow into a confident and friendly dog:


– Introduce him to friends and relatives by having them come to your home and taking him to theirs.


– Allow him to meet and interact with your neighbors and the children on your street.


– Let him meet delivery and service people, such as the mail carrier.


– Take him to a dog park, training classes, etc. where he can interact with other canines.


– Take him for car rides.


– Go on daily walks and take different routes.


– Groom him on a regular basis and be sure to handle his whole body, paying close attention to sensitive areas, such as his paws, tail, ears and mouth.


There are a few aspects you need to bear in mind before you introduce your pooch to social situations and these include:


1. Make sure you pet is fully immunized. If he is a pup and has not received all of his vaccines, keep him away from strange dogs whose medical history you are unaware of.


2. Let your dog approach others first. He may become timid, scared or anxious if he is suddenly greeted by strangers who stick their hands in his face or try to pet him.


3. Show children how to properly pet and interact with you pal.


4. Always ask others for their permission before you introduce your companion to them. Do not assume that your animal will be accepted everywhere, not everyone or every place is dog friendly.


Remember, socializing should be fun!


Content provided by Gary Plant of Oh My Dog Supplies, the top ranked store to buy interactive dog toys online.