CARA Heroes of Compassion

What is compassion?

For some, it may be a matter of donating to those affected by a calamity, or it could be a matter of helping an elderly cross the street. But for some people, compassion does not only apply to our own species and likeness. True compassion breaks goes beyond boundaries and recognizes interconnectedness. It breaks the wall of indifference.


How do we really define compassion?

It is seeing a life worth saving in the eyes of a scared kitten abandoned on the side of a street; it is feeling anguish for an old dog who will soon be euthanized at a pound; it is shedding tears over helpless, hungry puppies left in the cold by an irresponsible owner.


They say patience is a virtue but compassion is a way of being. “Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.”

How we treat the helpless reflects how we treat ourselves as a species.

We need to create awareness that animals are not anything less than us. Maltreatment of animals never puts us above them. With power comes great responsibility. Those who are strong must protect the helpless.

A small act of kindness and mercy from us can mean the world to these lovely creatures. We are their guardians, we are their heroes.

You have not truly lived until you have done something for someone who can never pay you back.

Choose to be a hero of compassion today.


Watch this video to learn more about CARA’s advocacy.

#Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.


If you would like to help CARA educate the country about responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering, and fostering or adopting rescued pets, you can do so by: