5 Misconceptions About Adopting Animals

adopted kitty Superman

One of our main slogans is “Adopt, don’t shop,” but it’s hard to follow when there are so many misconceptions about adopting and taking in rescued animals. Because of this, people hold back from even considering adopting pets. So here are five misconceptions about adopting that you should know:

To help clarify the issue, we have listed five common misconceptions about adopting:

Taemin CARA Cat for adoption

  1. Pets up for adoption are unhealthy

Of course, health is a big concern when looking for your next best friend. We want our furbaby to be happy and healthy. Who doesn’t?

However, it isn’t true that pets for sale are healthier than adopted pets. Actually, pets for sale are usually from puppy mills or from unhealthy, overworked mothers. Puppy mill breeders breed their animals until they drop for cash. This is why it is very rare for breeders to screen potential owners.

Meanwhile, shelters and animal organizations take care of their animals, making sure they will go to loving homes. We make sure that our dogs and cats are healthy and ready for their forever home.  We also make sure that our fur babies’ new parents are ready and able to care for them well.

  1. Rescue pets aren’t cute

Are you sure of that?



CARA Animal Welfare Philippines - Fudge - Rescued Cat - Animal Rescue Group


Cat and Dog Pet Expo 2017 kimchi and ginger

Our AmbassaDOG, Kimchi, is blind but that doesn’t stop him from being a loving baby.

  1. Those pets are sad and abused.

While it is true that a number of pets have been abused by previous owners, they are able to overcome their sad past with the tender loving care of our volunteers. We do our best to provide them the love and comfort they deserve. Many pets have tragic backstories, but that doesn’t make them any less deserving of a loving home.

Some of the tough cookies have the sweetest hearts and will love you just as much as anyone!

Ai-Ai - CARA rescued cat - pet for adoption - animal welfare in the Philippines

Ai-ai is a lovely 8-year old cat

  1. They’re all old.

There are cats and dogs of different kinds and ages found in shelters! Whether you want a calm sleepy adult cat or an excited little puppy, you have a lot to choose from. There are lots of young pets you can adopt if that’s what you prefer.

And besides, what’s wrong with being a little older?

Amaya - CARA rescued cat - pet for adoption - animal welfare in the Philippines

  1. The fee is too high.

Actually, adoption is cheaper than buying from breeders or pet shops. The adoption fee only covers the vaccination and is only a fraction of what we have spent to make our pets healthy and happy. 

Ready to adopt?


All animals (except for Kimchi and Ginger) in this post are ready for adoption. Check out our adoptees!

New to adopting? Here is the process and some necessary information!